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Greetings from Crazyville is all about Mom’s Apple Pie,  “Hey, let’s watch an old movie!”,   lots of chrome and giant tail-fins,  Peggy Lee,  Lana Turner,  and those little plastic monkeys you hang on drinks.

It’s smoking at your desk, having martinis at lunch, men wearing ties, ladies wearing gloves, and nobody having to wear seatbelts.  You only go around once (unless you’re stuck on a merry go round, which could make you all dizzy) and the wisdom to know the difference...   Everybody Mambo!

Sometimes being pointless IS the point.


Creative Director/Illustrator Rae Crosson has always had an odd sense of humor, and a slightly "skewed" way of looking at things. He has an intense fascination for anything retro, (particularly from the late 50's / early 60's) and has always loved telling stories and making up all kinds of crazy junk. Finally, in Greetings from Crazyville, he has found a place for all of that to go.


The Greetings from Crazyville Pledge:

“If it’s stupid, and makes us laugh, we are willing to give it a try. And never, EVER any puppies or kittens in baskets.”


Greetings from Crazyville cards are printed in the USA.  All cards measure 5"x7", come with a plain white envelope and are lovingly packaged in a cheap plastic sleeve. 


Shipping Rates  (via UPS. Please allow 5-10 days for processing and delivery)

$3.25 - $19.50      $2.99

$19.51 - $39.00    $5.99

$39.01 - $60.00    $6.99

$60.01 and up      $8.99